Once you have placed the order, you cannot change the delivery address. However, you can request for cancellation of the order. See cancellation policy.
Once you have added all the items to your cart, you will see an option to input a coupon code. Input the code and click on apply coupon. Only one coupon code can be used per order. Please feel free to contact us in case of any queries. We will be happy to assist you.
Changing your password is very easy! Log in using your current credentials. Then click on “My Account” icon on the top right side of your homepage and select “Change Password” from the drop down menu.
To reset your password, click on “Hi Guest” on the home page. Select “Login” from the drop down menu. Now click on “lost your password?” Enter your registered email address and we shall email you a link to reset your password.
Pack the items along with its pieces, intact. Then, drop us an e-mail stating your queryalong with the picture of damaged product within 24 hours of receiving your shipment. In such cases we will exchange the product for a new one if available in stock or give you store credit.
You can immediately place the request to exchange the product. In case, we will have the item in smaller/bigger size, we will exchange it. Or else you can buy another product in exchange for it.
If you do not find the products satisfactory as described, you can get the products exchanged within a period of 7 days after receiving the shipment. Email or WhatsApp us. We will be happy to assist you.
Once you have placed the order, you cannot change the delivery address. However, you can request for cancellation of the order. See cancellation policy.